Legal notice 

Company : 
Kandinsky France

90-92 rue de Garches 92000 Nanterre

Director: Philippe Melin

RCS: 454 093 725

Copyright: All texts, images, graphic elements, as well as the layout of the documents displayed on Kandinsky's websites are the exclusive property of Kandinsky and are governed by international copyright laws. Any illegal use, reproduction, or transmission, even in part, of the documents will result in legal action before the competent courts.

If we detect the illegal use by a third party of any text or image belonging to us, each image or line of text would be invoiced to the user at 490 euros excluding tax for license rights. The collection of sums would be made through any legal means at our discretion.

Kandinsky is a registered trademark.

All logos and trademarks featured on the site are our references and are used to illustratively represent the various product ranges offered by Kandinsky. All logos and trademarks featured on the site are registered and protected.